Listen to My Cry.
“My mother died and my father became very ill. I went to live with my sister to care for her children and her household but she was cruel and beat me.
I have a husband but he has left me. I am alone and have no support.
My first baby died. I went to check on him and he was no longer living. I don’t know what happened. Now this baby is sick, she doesn’t cry. I am worried for her. I named her Kirabo because in English it means ‘gift from God.’
Can you help me?”

This is just one—one story, told in Lugandan and broken English among a crowd of villagers seeking medical care under a large shade tree.
“Hear my prayer, Lord, and listen to my cry for help; Do not be silent to my tears; for I am a stranger with you” (Psalm 39).

We were, in fact, able to help her; Rachel. Sometimes God’s response to that cry comes in the form of Dr. Emma’s medical outreach team and malnutrition clinic. That day we were able to take Rachel and her baby back to the city with us to receive ongoing care from Dr. Emma and his team at their clinic. They’re in good hands there, and I have hopes that the staff of doctors and nurses will be able to help Rachel’s baby.
I’m humbled and privileged to bear witness to the beautiful and unique ways that God is using His people to bring hope to the hopeless.

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