Finding home and belonging by meeting physical needs.
Kannur is a city in Southern India that is home to one of the largest quarries – a large open-pit mine. The mining work provides many people with employment opportunities. This attracts families to move into the city – making it their new home – hoping to get into the mines to work.
One family that calls Kannur “home” is Meghala’s family. Meghala is currently in 8th grade and has a mom, dad, and two older brothers. Her dad was a quarry worker. He worked as a driver, transporting materials from the quarry. This work was difficult but Meghala’s dad did bring in some earnings from it.

However, Meghala’s dad used a large portion of his income each day to fuel his drinking habits. His alcoholism ate away at the income for the family, making it tough to make ends meet for the rest of the family. Meghala did not like her father’s drinking habits, especially as it jeopardized her abilities to eat regular, sustaining meals or to attend school.
Eventually, the quarry that Meghala’s father worked for was shut down due to pollution policies, leaving the family without a source of income at all. Meghala’s mother then picked up a few jobs working as a house maid, just hoping to make ends meet.

Finding stability seemed like a lost dream from Meghala.
Then she began attending The Hope Venture’s Feeding Center in Kannur. Through this center, Meghala could get fed one nutritious meal every day. She also took a computer course which gave her basic computer education. Using this base of knowledge, she could expand her academic potential by taking courses on computers, learning independently, taking courses that couldn’t otherwise be taught in the physical classroom.

Now Meghala has at least one sustainable and reliable meal each day, which gives her strength as she continues to grow. It also helps her to focus on other things, like her education, instead of an empty stomach. Meghala also is being built up and encouraged by the staff at the Feeding Center, and Meghala is growing in her confidence in herself and her abilities as she learns new skills.
Yes, Meghala’s physical needs were met, but it goes much further than that. In a mining town in Southern India, Meghala was able to find her home. Not only the place where she lives, but she found a place that she belongs. The Feeding Center showed her she belongs. That she is worth investing in. That she has dignity.

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