Change Your Story.
How do you change the story of your life?
Delphine is a girl who believes in the power of her dreams, and has spent her life working hard to achieve those dreams. She has a passion to help others, and a commitment to follow through on the goals she sets her mind to. As the oldest of three, she learned responsibility early on caring for her two younger brothers and helping her parents in whatever ways she could. But Delphine also spent the better part of her elementary years getting chased out of school.
Although her dad worked hard as a security guard, keeping all three children in school was an impossible feat. But because of the generosity of others, Delphine was able to stay in school and continue to dream and work hard toward a better future. At age 12, Delphine joined Acts4Rwanda, and was able to receive the financial assistance needed to complete her high school education.
Throughout high school, Delphine learned where her skills and passions most aligned. She set her sights on a Bachelor’s degree at the Ruli Institute of Health, so she could become a midwife. Unfortunately, with big dreams can also come big expenses, and the fees for college were exponentially higher than those needed for high school. Covering the cost of rent, classes, materials and a computer were all more than her family could afford.
Without hope, this could have been the end of the story.
But to change your story, you fight for a way when there is no way.
Delphine applied for The Hope Venture’s College Sponsorship Project through Acts4Rwanda, and is now currently enrolled in the college of her dreams. Thanks to her own hard work and dedication, paired with the kindness and generosity of others, Delphine is changing the story of her life. She’s getting the education needed to help bring new life into this world—changing not only her own family’s future, but hundreds of families throughout Rwanda.
Often, the very best way to change your story is by helping others grow in theirs.

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