Resilience Despite His Disability.

Mr. Jayakumar (also known as Mr. Kumar) lives in Tharapuram village in the Tiruppur District. Unfortunately, Mr. Kumar was born blind, leading to a life-long journey filled with many challenges. Although he has a little bit of his vision in his left eye, he is still considered to be fully visually impaired. While still dealing with visual challenges, his wife, Vijaya, tragically passed away in January of 2023 due to depression. Not only did she leave behind her husband, but they also have two adult sons, Devakumar and Devaraj, who are studying away in college.

Since the boys have a tragic family situation, they have been granted multiple scholarships but are still required to pay for their food and other necessities. Mr. Kumar has tried to earn a bit of money to help out his sons and travels from one village to another selling pens, pencils, and erasers to anyone who will buy. His disability makes living and doing daily tasks an immense challenge.

Mr. Selvakumar, a local social worker, got connected to Mr. Kumar. He has a deep concern and care for people who are blind and strives to help them in any way he can. He decided to organize a meeting in April and asked Mr. Kumar if he would like to attend. Mr. Kumar decided to attend the meeting, but wasn’t even able to prepare food that morning beforehand and also doesn’t have someone who can help him cook. Frustrated with not being able to cook a meal, he rushed out the door and caught a bus to the meeting. By the time he arrived, he was immensely hungry and tired. To his surprise, he noticed there was food provided at the meeting and it was nutritious and refreshing. He found out that The Hope Venture had supplied his meal, and was thankful for organizations like The Hope Venture who come alongside individuals to tangibly help them in their need.

To impact more people like Mr. Kumar, donate to our Food for the Blind Project today!