Robert is a hardworking, diligent student at Lodwar Boys National School. He gets along well with his classmates, often showing up as a leader for other students and even holds the title of “Dormitory Captain.” Robert’s parents divorced years ago, and he currently lives with his father. His father is an older, illiterate man. His elderly condition has left him more vulnerable and he does not have the strength to meet all the basic needs of his family. As a result, Robert struggled with peace of mind when it came to his studies. He did not have enough school fees to continue his studies, making it a difficult environment for him to continue pursuing education. Every day he struggled feeling distracted in school and worried that he would get pulled out of class for not having the bill paid.

Thankfully, Robert was able to get connected to The Hope Venture’s Student Sponsorship Project. We were able to come alongside Robert in helping cover his school fees. Not only is his education covered, but he now has books, pens, and school uniforms, so he is fully equipped to continue pursuing his studies. He now has peace knowing that there are resources around him and people who will help him and his family.

The Hope Venture has a saying called, “motaj” which means “moments of turnaround joy.” This means that we are all givers and also receivers, so we can turn around and give joy to someone else. Even though Robert lives in a vicious cycle of poverty and wasn’t able to pay for his school fees on his own, he experienced the joy of receiving financial help and love. In the future, Robert wants to become a doctor and help the community around him and give back to those who’ve supported and been a blessing to him. What a beautiful example of motaj.