“His name was Dennis.”

Racheal’s body language shut down after she said the name of the man who abused her…eyes fallen, hands rubbing nervously together in her lap, voice shaky. There she was, 18, the mother of a two-year-old, but getting a shot at a high school education. Dennis may be her abuser’s name, but Hope is her daughter’s name. What a powerful name it is.

Thanks to donors who have supported our Scholarships for Teen Moms Project, Racheal is able to get an education and take her story back. You can see it in the photos of her: she’s confident, there’s a certain steadiness to her. This is the power hope can bring, from defeated to empowered. Thank you for supporting her and other girls like her.

To impact more moms like Racheal, donate to our Scholarships for Teen Moms Project today!