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80% of high school age kids in Narok, Kenya are not in school. Several compounding factors, such as drought, drugs and alcohol, sexual abuse and teen pregnancy, create a lack of financial resources, inhibiting kids from attending school. Amidst widespread generational poverty, our partners believe that helping kids receive their education will significantly impact these kids and their community, and we’ve seen that to be true. $68/month provides housing, food, education, counseling, and support for one high school student.
Meet Noah! He lives with his family in Narok, Kenya. Noah comes from a polygamous family where his father has two wives and ten children. His father struggles to pay school fees for his children, and his mother does not earn enough income through the jobs she finds when available. Their financial situation leaves them unable to provide necessities like school fees and sometimes food. Sponsoring Noah will reduce the financial burden on his parents and allow him to stay in school to pursue his hope of becoming a doctor.
Meet Morgan! He lives with his family in Narok, Kenya. Morgan is the eldest of four children, including two boys and two girls. His family faces significant challenges, as his mother is the sole provider after their father abandoned the family. This situation has left his mother responsible for all expenses, including rent and school fees for the children. Morgan’s mother earns a living through casual jobs, such as washing clothes, but the work is inconsistent, and they do not yield enough income. Morgan is often sent home from school because they cannot afford school fees. Sponsoring Morgan will allow him to stay in school and pursue his dream of becoming a renowned artist.
Meet Esther! She lives with her family in Narok, Kenya. Esther is the lastborn in her family of two. Unfortunately, Esther’s father became unemployed after the shop he worked at closed indefinitely. Her mother sells fruits but the income is not enough to sustain the family’s needs. Despite these challenges, Esther is a bright and high-achieving student. She earned a place in a great school, but she cannot afford the school fees. Sponsorship for Esther will allow her to attend school and focus on her dream of pursuing a career in art and journalism.
Meet Morgan! He lives with his family in Narok, Kenya. Morgan comes from a single-parent household where he and his two siblings live with their mother. Unfortunately, his mother was laid off as an early childhood education teacher. Due to this situation, she is unable to care for their needs, such as school fees and rent. Morgan is sometimes sent home from school because they have not paid the balance. However, sponsorship for Morgan will allow him to stay in school and pursue his goal of becoming a chef.
Meet Jackson! He lives with his family in Narok, Kenya. Unfortunately, Jackson’s father passed away when he was young, so his mother cares for him and his five siblings. Jackson’s mother works as a businesswoman to make ends meet. However, her income is not enough to provide for the family’s necessities like school fees. Sponsorship will allow Jackson to focus on his aspirations of becoming an engineer and reduce the financial burden of school fees from his mother.
Meet Sylvia! Sylvia is from Narok, Kenya where she lives with her parents and eight siblings. Her father is unemployed, so her family relies on their mother’s income from fetching water. Unfortunately, this is not enough to meet the financial needs of their nine children. This has made it difficult for Sylvia to attend school because they cannot afford school fees. Although they have two cows and one sheep, there is not enough livestock for them to make a profit. However, Sylvia has dreams of attending school and completing her studies. Sponsorship will alleviate her family’s financial burden and allow her to reach her dream of being a doctor.
Meet Yusuf! Yusuf is from Narok, Kenya where he and his family of nine live together. Unfortunately, his father passed away in a road accident, so his mother is the primary caretaker of the family. This financial burden is challenging for Yusuf’s mother because she earns less than two dollars a day from working jobs whenever they are available. Only two of his siblings have completed high school, and many of his younger siblings have been unable to attend. Yusuf is a bright student who loves school. Sponsorship will allow Yusuf to alleviate the financial burden from his mother so he can pursue his goal of becoming an electrician.
Meet Magdaline! Magdaline lives with her mother and siblings in Narok, Kenya. Unfortunately, her father does not support the family after he divorced Magdaline’s mother. Her mother earns a living through farming in the community. However, this income is insufficient to support Magdaline’s school fees and other necessities. Despite these challenges, Magdaline is a bright student who would like to become an engineer. Sponsoring Magdaline will allow her to focus on school and relieve the stress of finances from her family.
Meet Ezekiel! He lives with his family in Narok, Kenya. Ezekiel comes from a polygamous family where his father has two wives and 13 children. His father works as a motorcycle driver, transporting people around Narok. Their family also has livestock, but the profit is insufficient to sustain their needs. As Ezekiel walks to school in the mornings, he dreams of becoming a doctor. Unfortunately, the school fees are too expensive for the family due to their financial situation. However, sponsorship can help Ezekiel stay in school and relieve the burden of school fees from his family.
Meet Felister! She lives with her family in Narok, Kenya. Felister comes from a polygamous family where her father has two wives and many children. Her mother earns a living by selling vegetables at the market, but it is insufficient to support the family and their necessities. Unfortunately, Felister has been sent home from school because she cannot afford the fees. However, she is a bright student who wants to learn and inspire other girls in her village who do not have an education. Sponsorship for Felister will allow her to stay in school and pursue her dream of being a lawyer.
Meet Hannah! She lives with her family in Narok, Kenya. Hannah comes from a polygamous family where her father has two wives and 20 children. Hannah’s mother does small-scale farming to make ends meet, but it is not enough to sustain the children. The money her mother earns from selling potatoes weekly is insufficient to pay for school fees and other necessities. Unfortunately, four of Hannah’s older siblings had to drop out of school due to the high cost. Sponsorship would allow Hannah to be the first to pioneer education in her family and grant her the opportunity to reach her dream of becoming a neurosurgeon.
Meet Jacob! He lives with his family in Narok, Kenya. Jacob comes from a polygamous family where his father has two wives with a total of 18 children. His parents both work on farms to make ends meet, but their financial situation has worsened since Jacob’s younger brother became paralyzed. This hardship has made it difficult for them to afford medical bills and school fees because their income is not consistent or reliable. Sponsorship for Jacob will alleviate his family’s financial burdens and allow him the chance to attend university while pursuing medicine.
Meet Sheila! Sheila comes from a humble background in Narok, Kenya where she lives with her family of four. Her parents rely on casual jobs from seasonal farms. Unfortunately, their income is inconsistent, so they often struggle to provide for their children’s needs, such as food and school fees. This financial burden has forced Sheila’s parents to sacrifice sending her and her siblings to school. Furthermore, her parents care for their grandmother with health issues, which has placed them in a challenging position. Sponsorship for Sheila will allow her to proceed with her education, achieve her dream of becoming a veterinarian, and relieve the financial burden of school fees from her parents.
These sponsorships are for high school students living in the Mathare slums of Nairobi, Kenya. People here live in extreme poverty (making less than $1.90 per day). This is a new project for us, as we’ve developed a new partnership in this area. For $68/month, you can link arms and walk alongside one of these students to help them pursue an education. Your donation covers tuition fees, some student supplies, staff visitation, gatherings, and coordination costs for one high schooler.
Meet James! He lives with his family of four in Mathare, an area in Nairobi, Kenya. Unfortunately, his parents lost their jobs from a devastating flood in Mathare in the spring of 2024. Their financial challenges have led to struggles in paying for necessities like school fees. Unfortunately, James has been sent home from school due to the financial constraints. However, he is a bright, determined student who dreams of finishing school. Sponsorship will allow James to continue his education and pursue his aspiration of becoming an engineer.
Meet Hope! He lives with his family in Mathare, an area in Nairobi, Kenya. Hope loves to play football and spend time with his family and friends. Unfortunately, his parents’ jobs are low-paying and unreliable, so the income is insufficient to afford necessities like school fees. Although his family has received help from friends and community members, it is still not enough for Hope to attend school. Sponsorship would enable Hope to remain in school, pursue his ambition of becoming a lawyer, and relieve the financial burden of school fees from his family.
Meet Jephrice! She lives with her family of six in Mathare, an area in Nairobi, Kenya. Her father is the sole provider of the family through working casual jobs. However, the work yields less than a dollar a day. Their financial situation severely limits the family's ability to meet basic needs, including educational expenses. Sponsorship would allow her to access education and resources so she can finish her studies and reach her dream of becoming a doctor.
Meet Joseph! He lives with his parents and three siblings in Mathare, an area in Nairobi, Kenya. Joseph's father is the breadwinner of the family, working casual jobs that yield an income of less than a dollar a day. The limited income makes it difficult for the family to afford basic needs, including educational expenses. Joseph is unable to attend school due to a lack of school fees, which forces him to spend his time at home. Sponsorship would not only help Joseph return to school but also enable him to work toward his dream of becoming a pilot.
Meet Whitney! She lives with her mother, father, and five siblings in Mathare, an area in Nairobi, Kenya. Her father runs a small-scale business, and her mother is unemployed, so the earnings are insufficient to sustain the family, which exacerbates their financial struggles. This makes it difficult for them to afford necessities like school fees. Despite Whitney’s challenges of being kicked out of school due to school fees, she is a determined and bright student who aspires to be a nurse. Sponsorship will allow Whitney to focus on her education and pursue her dream of helping her community through healthcare.
Meet Valentine! She lives with her parents and siblings in a single-room house in Mathare, an area in Nairobi, Kenya. Valentine’s mother is unemployed, while her father works as a cleaner. However, his income is insufficient to meet the family's needs. The lack of school fees has forced Valentine to often stay at home, which has hindered her education. Valentine has high ambitions to become a teacher after she graduates. Sponsorship will help alleviate some of the family’s financial burdens, allowing Valentine to thrive academically and focus on her aspirations.
Once a year we gather all of our sponsored students in Kenya for a summer camp. At camp, the students will get the chance to make friends with other students, develop stronger relationships with Elijah and his team, and meet some friends from the USA. This is also an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with them. We love camp because it’s when we get to meet all of the students face to face. They are so much fun! Donate any amount to help fund this project!
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